Under dram shop laws, an establishment that serves alcohol to someone after he or she is visibly intoxicated can be held liable for the damage the drunk person causes.
Read More »Can an establishment be sued for over-serving liquor?

Under dram shop laws, an establishment that serves alcohol to someone after he or she is visibly intoxicated can be held liable for the damage the drunk person causes.
Read More »Harmful and underage drinking remain significant problems on U.S. campuses, despite the collective efforts to address them. As a parent, there are things you can say and do to help. As an alcohol server, there are important rules to follow to prevent sales to minors and recognize signs of intoxication.
Read More »Mother’s Day is a great time to relax, unwind, and enjoy some adult time. But if the event involves drinking alcohol at an establishment, both the consumer and server of alcohol bear responsibility. Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the alcohol server and consumer.
Read More »April is Alcohol Awareness Month and it’s the perfect time to sit your teen down and talk about the dangers of underage drinking.
Research shows that parents are an important influence on whether or not their son or daughter chooses to drink alcohol. Kids do care about their parents’ opinions. They tend to respond well to a positive parenting style.
Read More »April the 7th is National Beer Day, which commemorates April 7, 1933, the day that the Cullen-Harrison Act was enacted. Be sure to follow proper responsible alcohol service procedures to ensure that customers and employees remain safe.
Read More »Hosting a March Madness party and serving alcohol? If you’re hosting a party at your home and planning to serve alcohol – take steps to limit your liquor liability and make sure you have the proper insurance.
Read More »On St. Patrick’s Day, everyone should celebrate responsibly. Here are some tips to help alcohol consumers and alcohol seller-servers to safely navigate the Irish-themed festivities.
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